Kenner Connect

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A Little info:

By using our online community, you agree to follow our Guidelines for Use.

We are excited for you to be a part of our online community, KennerConnect, and to partner with us as we seek to more effectively connect with you, and the rest of the church body. 

Now, to be clear, this is not a social media account. This community is specific to our church, and will only be used by people in our congregation. Our hope is that you find a higher level of connection with our church, whether through group involvement, or serving, while also making your life a little bit easier! 

Please let us know if you have any questions, and have fun exploring!

  • Groups

  • Giving

  • Serving

STAY CONNECTED. Download Our App

We’re excited to introduce a new mobile app designed specifically for our church. This is an incredibly easy and convenient way to stay connected, to stay informed, and to give towards the ministries of our church. You can download the app today on Apple and Android platforms by searching for “FBC Kenner” on your phone’s app store or by clicking the download button below.